The success of Baptist Financial Services Australia Limited (BFS) is in no small part attributed to the fact that we believe ministry has been at the centre of the BFS vision, strategy and its whole purpose since the very beginning.
BFS is a National Affiliated Ministry of Australian Baptist Ministries. This enables BFS to work cohesively and strategically at a national level. Church growth is something that is inextricably linked to the ongoing purpose and growth of BFS, and the resources BFS generates can be applied successfully in supporting ongoing church growth.
Baptist Investment Fellowship
Baptist Investment Fellowship Limited was incorporated in 1984, and its first Directors were Elton Wilson (Chairman), Reg Pope (Secretary), Norman Kerslake, Arthur Kelshaw, David Tomkins and Fred Stallard. That same year, the first gift to BIF was recorded: $5 from Mrs A Crofts of North Epping, NSW.
Baptist Investment & Finance
A meeting of the Directors during 1989 was significant in the further development of the fund. Whereas the original concept was to accept money from depositors only on an interest-free basis, support was developing among the Directors for Baptist Investment Fellowship Limited to offer interest on deposits. It was suggested that such a strategy would attract more funds. While the return per dollar would not be as great as an interest-free scheme, this would be more than compensated for by the increasing volume of funds which would be attracted to BIF.
During 2004 the Baptist Union of Victoria and The South Australian Baptist
Union Inc invited BIF to establish its services through State offices located
in Adelaide for South Australian Baptists and in Melbourne for Victorian
Baptist communities. In 2005, BIF commenced ministry in Tasmania and WA in 2006.
Baptist Financial Services
Today BFS manages over $500 million in assets.
We’ve worked with over 1,500 churches, schools and ministries.